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Glossary of Words and Terms for Jewish Living
Judaism is more than just a religion: it’s a culture, a language, a way of life. And, integrated fully into these Jewish traditions are unique words and sayings. Though words may have different roots or origins (Hebrew, Yiddish, German), their meanings are universal throughout the Jewish community. This glossary introduces some of the more common […]
Morning and Bedtime Rituals for Children
From the Union’s publications, Wake-Up Rituals: Crafting Jewish Tradition for Young Childrenand Jewish Bedtime Ritualsproduced by the Department of Lifelong Jewish Learning. UPON WAKING Modeh Ani is the traditional prayer to be said by children. Hold your child in a chair or sit on the bed with them, and share a special moment of […]
Let’s be like Avraham and Sarah and change the world one person at a time.
You only get one opportunity to make a first impression.
After months of planning and design, this week we finally unveiled the new BRS website – We are very proud of its great features including a FAQ section for people who live here, those looking to move and those visiting. We have videos, podcasts, a blog, photo galleries, and much more. We have also […]
May 31, 2019 by dmack9185 • Uncategorized